Senators approved 74 to one the proposal of the Conservative Party, or PC.
“With this action, we can turn pounds, those extermination centers, into real animal shelters. Also, pets will be identified and will wear chips. People abandoning animals on the public domain will be sanctioned. The law also bans the trade of cat and dog flesh and fur and bans dog fights," said conservative senator Marius Marinescu.
The Romanian government disapproved the legal initiative, as the law fails to stipulate the funding sources for the creation of animal shelters.
Under the draft law, local councils are obliged to create special services to handle dogs and other stray animals within 30 days of when the law takes effect.
Cats, dogs and other stray animals should be caught and taken to shelters, where they are to be kept for seven days, compared to the current two, if anyone wants to adopt them.
Dogs and cats that do not find owners can be adopted by animal protection associations and foundations, but only after they have been sterilized and vaccinated.
The law draft stipulates fines ranging between RON1,000 and RON2,500 for owners who leave their dogs unsupervised on the public domain.
The draft law will also be debated by the Chamber of Deputies, which the decision maker in this case.