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Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the coming days

MEP Dan Nica announced that the European Steel Action Plan will be adopted in the coming days by the European Commission. One of the main beneficiaries of the plan could be the Galaţi steel plant.
Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the coming days
Sursa foto: Mediafax Foto / Alexandru Dobre
Petru Mazilu
12 mart. 2025, 12:53, English

Social-Democrat MEP Dan Nica announced on Wednesday that he had sent a message to the Vice-President of the European Commission, Stéphane Séjourné, about the difficult situation of the Galaţi steel plant. According to Nica, “Séjourné’s response was prompt, confirming that the European Steel Action Plan will be adopted in the coming days by the European Commission.”

“There are high hopes for your mandate and I must confess that everyone expected that in the first 100 days the first concrete measures to support the European industry would appear in order to have a process of transforming this industry into a clean one. Unfortunately, today, the situation is very bad. European industry is in a situation as bad as it has never been,” explained the Romanian MEP.

Dan Nica gave a speech in the plenary of the European Parliament in which he spoke about the serious situation at the Galaţi steel plant.

“The Galaţi steel plant is on the verge of closing down, and 10,000 people risk losing their jobs. The same situation is in the case of the aluminum, cement, and chemical fertilizer industries because those measures have not been taken – high energy prices, imports from outside the European Union that contain high carbon dioxide emissions, lack of financing, European programs, the European Investment Bank that refuses to finance all these programs. Mr. Vice-President of the European Commission, these measures must be taken now! We are in the 12th hour and please, I ask you to take these measures as soon as possible”, Dan Nica also said in the European Parliament.

Recently, representatives of the LIBERTY company announced that they have launched actions to consolidate the business in Galaţi. Specifically, this is about initiating a preventive concordat procedure that has the role of stabilizing the business, optimizing the allocation of resources and opening new investment opportunities related to the Galaţi steel plant.