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EU Could Activate Safeguard Clause On Justice In Romania – Official

Romanian EU Commissioner Leonard Orban told a news conference Monday that, in theory, the Union could activate the safeguard clause on Romania in the field of justice, but added he hopes the country registers significant progress in the upcoming months to avoid such measures.
EU Could Activate Safeguard Clause On Justice In Romania – Official
11 feb. 2008, 15:44, English
Orban said the message of European Commission expressed in the interim report regards all Romanian institutions, not just the government.
He also said all institutions must make an effort to fight local and top level corruption.
Asked whether the Commission could activate a safeguard clause on Romania in the justice field, the Commissioner did not rule out the possibility. "In theory, the safeguard clause could be activated. I hope serious progress will be apparent in the months to come," Orban said.
He also warned that, unlike other times, the European Commission has considered a series of amendments in drafting the interim report, which in the case of Romania regarded the amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes adopted by the Romanian parliament.