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European Commission OKs Romania’s Rural Development Plan

The European Commission on Wednesday approved the National Plan for Rural Development, allowing Romania to access some EUR8 billion in EU funds by 2013, agriculture minister Dacian Ciolos said.
European Commission OKs Romania’s Rural Development Plan
20 feb. 2008, 12:53, English

The program approved by the Committee for Rural Development of the European Commission sets priorities, financed fields and procedures to access EU and state budget funds, and negotiations had started in 2007.

The program was supposed to start last year, but because it was only approved in 2008, the funds earmarked for last year will be distributed equally and added to the annual funds scheduled for 2008-2013. this process will delay the arrival of EU funds, as the downpayment will be transferred after the sums are redistributed, estimated for May.

Romania will receive the 7% downpayment in two equal tranches, by the end of the year.

However, authorities need not expect the downpayment to receive projects. The Agriculture Ministry launches, in a first stage, in March, three measures: modernization of farming exploits, increasing added value for farm and forestry products and the renovation and development of villages. Some EUR3.5 billion are available for these three development fields.

Nearly 2,000 farmers already expressed interest in unfolding projects financed within the National Plan for Rural Development and have registered in the database of the National Agency for Consultancy in Agriculture.