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Bucharest Mayoralty Account Foreclosure Illegal – Mayor

Bucharest general mayor Adriean Videanu said the treasury illegally foreclosed the mayoralty’s accounts in the case of Bordei park, adding the transaction will be blocked.
Bucharest Mayoralty Account Foreclosure Illegal – Mayor
07 mart. 2008, 16:10, English
Videanu said the treasury should have considered the fact that the Bucharest mayoralty and the Bucharest city council are two separate legal entities.     
The mayor added he has the statement of account of March 6, when RON67 million (EUR1=RON3.7376) were taken out of the mayoralty’s accounts at the treasury. Videanu added that following discussions with the mayoralty’s legal department and finance minister Varujan Vosganian, the transaction will be blocked.
On Thursday, businessman Costica Constanda foreclosed the accounts of the Bucharest mayoralty for over EUR17 million he gained in court for the land owned in Bucharest’s Bordei park.