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NATO Summit Amplitude Writes Romania Into History – President

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Tuesday in his speech in the opening of the Transatlantic Forum organized by The German Marshall Fund that the NATO event in Bucharest is the largest in the history of the Alliance and its proportions already offers Romania a page in history.
NATO Summit Amplitude Writes Romania Into History - President
01 apr. 2008, 20:53, English
"The biggest event in NATO history takes place in Bucharest. If the proportions of the event already write Romania into history, the value and success of this summit depend on the consensual decisions to be adopted by heads of state and governments regarding the ambitious agenda,” Basescu said.
He also said the NATO reunion in Bucharest could be the time for the Alliance to consecrate a vision and marks a new step in change.
The Romanian president added the summit in Bucharest could be a bridge between NATO’s Euro-Atlantic and international commitments, and between previous achievements and what is yet to be done.
“We hope the summit in Bucharest marks a more engaged cooperation between NATO and the United Nations, and strengthens ties with our security partners,” Basescu said.