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NATO Will Guide And Guard Ukraine Reform Process – Scheffer

NATO secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said Friday, in the joint press conference with Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko, that the Alliance will support Ukraine in its reform process and will stay in close touch to guard and guide this process.
04 apr. 2008, 12:09, English
"It is certain Ukraine will be a member of NATO,” Scheffer said
Scheffer also denied speculations that NATO gave a veto to Russia even before Vladimir Putin came to town and decided to postpone the offer to Ukraine and Georgia for the Membership Action Plan.
Scheffer insisted Thursday’s official text is very clear and leaves no “shimmer of a doubt” over NATO’s intention to admit the two nations.
The NATO secretary general added the granting of the Membership Action Plan to the two nations is not a “stand-alone event”, but an entire process, and the commitment Ukraine and Georgia received from the alliance Thursday is a very important step in this process.
Scheffer reminded a first assessment of the two countries’ progress and reform would be made by foreign ministers in December.