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Romania’s Mar Net Salary Up 5.1% M-M To RON1.192

Romania's net average salary was up 5.1% to 1.192 lei (EUR1-RON3.6506) in real terms in March 2008, compared with February 2008, the National Institute for Statistics said Wednesday.
Romania's Mar Net Salary Up 5.1% M-M To RON1.192
07 mai 2008, 09:59, English

The net salary in March increased compared with February when employees were given bonuses and incentives, negotiated their wages, and when a higher output was reported.

Brokers, except for insurances and pension departments, saw the biggest average net salaries of RON3.595, while employees in the wood processing industry, except for furniture making, were at the opposite pole with RON674, similar with March.

March net average salary in agriculture was up 1.9% on the month to RON840.

Net salaries in the industrial field averaged RON1.089 in March, up 5.0% from February salary.

The average net salary in Romania rose 17.7% on year in March.