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Over 1,300 People Affected By Powerful Flashflood, NW Romania

Over 1,300 people were affected by a powerful flashflood Monday night in Cluj county, northwestern Romania, and over 100 firefighters, militaries, police officers and members of local emergency committees intervened, the prefecture said.
Over 1,300 People Affected By Powerful Flashflood, NW Romania
20 mai 2008, 11:44, English
The prefecture said in a press release that centralized data by 10 a.m. indicated that 214 households in the county were hit by the flood.
Villages Strambu, Valea lui Opris, Valea Casielului, Huta, Mogoaja and Chiuieşti commune are isolated, and the flood also affected several county roads, a communal road and two bridges.
The prefecture asked the state reserves administration for water and food supply for the 1,310 people affected. Cluj county prefect Calin Platon called a meeting for noon to assess the damages.
Families in over 120 homes were evacuated on boats Monday night.
Colonel Vasile Somlea, chief of the county emergency inspectorate, said firefighters used boats to rescue people who took refuge on rooftops.
“We took immediate action and transported people out on boats. Among the flood-affected victims there were also children; some of the people managed to grab a few things and even to save some animals. A special commission is to establish the value of damages,” Somlea said.