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Romanian State Allowance For Children To Be Paid In Bank Accounts

The sums representing the state allowance for children aged below 18 in Romania will be handed out through postal order, current account or card account, and payment will be suspended if the money transferred by mail is not collected in three consecutive months.
Romanian State Allowance For Children To Be Paid In Bank Accounts
29 mai 2008, 18:48, English
Allowance payments will be resumed, in case of suspension, based on written request made out by the legal guardian of the child or by the young person, which is registered with the territorial department.
The allowance is granted based on request written and signed by the legal guardian of the child, accompanied by the original and copy of the birth certificate of the child and the identification deeds for the legal guardian, as well as documents indicating the legal status of the child in connection with the legal guardian and any other relevant documents, in accordance with the methodological norms for the application of the Law on the state allowance for children, approved Wednesday by the government.
Young people aged 18 who are repeating the school year do not receive allowance, except those who repeat studies for health reasons, proven with medical certificate.
The literature necessary for the receipt of allowance is submitted with the mayoralty.
Mayors are obligated to send the requests, as well as the relevant documents, every month to the territorial departments, before the first day of the following month. The allowance is granted based on the decision of the executive director within the territorial department, within ten working days from the transmission of the request by the mayors.
The allowance is paid to the legal guardian, and after the child turns 14 payment can be performed directly to the owner, with the approval of the legal guardian.