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Three Romanian Trade Unions To Sign Minimum Wage Agreement

Three out of five trade unions decided to sign the agreement with the Romanian government on the minimum wage hike, while the other two unions will make a decision in this respect Tuesday.
Three Romanian Trade Unions To Sign Minimum Wage Agreement
21 iul. 2008, 20:52, English

Cartel Alfa union leader, Bogdan Hossu, said Monday that Cartel Alfa, alongside Meridian and CSDR trade unions, decided to sign the agreement with the government on the minimum wage hike, adding, however, they will bring a few amendments to the governmental document.

Hossu also said the other two trade unions, BNS and CNSLR Fratia, would decide Tuesday on whether to sign the agreement.

Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu proposed last Wednesday to the trade unions a minimum wage hike to 540 lei (EUR1=RON3.5474) from current RON500, which is to grow to RON600 on January 1, 2009.

The government, unions and employers agreed in December last year to set the minimum wage at RON500 in the fist half of the year, and increase it to RON540 as of the second half, if macroeconomic indicators allow it.