The company added the insufficient amount of tolls is caused by the fact that the National Company for Highways and Roads failed to meet orders.
"The contract (through which Petrom distributes road toll stickers) is valid since last year, it is not renegotiated. We are currently signing an additional document, but it has nothing to do with the renegotiation of the commission. Petrom never asked for the renegotiation of this number," said a press release issued by Petrom.
Orban said Thursday Petrom refuses to sell road toll stickers to force the Transport Ministry accept a higher commission for their sale, from 4% to 6%.
Orban said that following an inspection at Petrom, they found out that the company has road toll stickers which it refuses to sell or does not distribute them to gas stations.
The minister said Petrom is hurting the public interest in terms of road maintenance as an important part of Romanian’s Highway Company CNADNR revenue comes from the sale of toll stickers.
Other road toll stickers distributors on the Romanian market are oil companies OMV, MOL, and Rompetrol, Romanian Highway Company, the Romanian postal company Posta Romana and the National Union of Transporters.