The rejection report, issued by the Senate education commission, was adopted with 44 pros, 14 cons and two abstentions.
The representative of the education commission, democrat-liberal Dan Sabau, said the decision was made based on the fact that Romanian education is destitute and the money for this project could be put to better use within the education system.
Government Emergency Ordinance no. 87/2008 stipulates the outfitting of high schools with desktop computers, with the purpose of training students in the use of IT&C.
Article 2 of the Ordinance stipulated that in school year 2008-2009 high schools would receive computers, which would be given to ninth and tenth graders.
The sum necessary for the purchase of computers, for 2008, would come from the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth.
The draft law is pending a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decider in the matter.