The decision was taken in the college’s general meeting on October 3-4, doctors said in a press release.
“We are asking for this wage increase as doctors have low salaries, inflation is estimated to grow rapidly and incomes will lower,” said Vasile Astarastoae, head of CMR.
Earlier this week, the Chamber of Deputies adopted unanimously a 50% increase in teachers’ wages. The chamber has the final say on this normative act.
On the same day, public servants affiliated to the federation Sed Lex requested a 50% wage hike as of January 1, 2009.
The National Federation of Unions in the Administration (FNSA) sent a letter to Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu and to the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate asking wage hikes for all state employees.
The National Federation of Unions in sanitary units and spa resorts (TESA) threaten to start protests as of next month, unless administrative staff receives a 60% wage hike as of November 1.
According to the finance minister’s calculations, a 50% hike for all state employees’ wages would trigger a budget deficit of 7% of gross domestic product next year, and would jeopardize economic stability and Romania’s European Union membership.
The Government will try to discuss the matter with the public servants’ representatives, to avoid the general strike, labor minister Campeanu told MEDIAFAX Friday. She added that if the government were to grant all unionists’ requests, the country would face financial collapse.
The Romanian Government decided to inform the Constitutional Court on a possible conflict between the Government and Parliament sparked by the adoption of the law stipulating a 50% hike in teachers’ wages, Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu said Saturday.