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Romanian PM Abandoned All Hope That Lawmakers Will Adopt Natiaonl Minorities’ Law This Year

Parliament debates on the statute of national minorities will be inherited by Romania’s future government, Romanian Prime Minister Calin Taricaenu said Tuesday, adding there is no hope the law would be adopted in the current parliament session.
Romanian PM Abandoned All Hope That Lawmakers Will Adopt Natiaonl Minorities’ Law This Year
21 oct. 2008, 16:40, English

"The law on the statute of national minorities has been in Parliament for a long time (…) and it is obvious we have only 40 days left until general elections and the Parliament practically halted activity. There is no reasonable hope to pass this law in the current Parliament session and I think this is an objective to be completed by the future government," Tariceanu said during a press conference in Szeged, Hungary, following a meeting of the Romanian and Hungarian governments.
The statute of national minorities was rejected by Senate and has been up for debate in the Chamber of Deputies for the past two years, where it was postponed several times on lack of quorum.