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Romanian Govt-Run Agency Heads Earn Up To RON13,838, Drivers Get Up To RON3,517

Managers of Romanian government-run agencies received monthly net wages ranging from 4,375 lei (EUR1=RON3.6140) to RON13,838 including bonuses, while archive staff, cashiers and drivers in these institutions earned up to RON3,517 in the first nine months of 2008.
Romanian Govt-Run Agency Heads Earn Up To RON13,838, Drivers Get Up To RON3,517
23 oct. 2008, 15:36, English

Some of the best paid state employees are those of the Clearing Agency for Special Technique Acquisitions (ACATS) and the National Regulatory Agency for the Energy Sector (ANRE), where no employee had a net monthly wage lower than RON2,449, according to a government document obtained by MEDIAFAX.

The head of ACATS was paid RON13,838 per month in the first nine months of the year, while an agency manager earned RON7,668.

The head of ANRE earned a monthly RON13,751, while the agency’s vice-presidents earned RON12,669 in the first nine months of the year. Drivers employed by romania’s energy sector regulator earned a monthly RON3,517, while an accountant in the same institution earned RON3,670.

The head of the privatization agency AVAS earns a monthly RON8,825, which is nearly doubled by a confidentiality bonus of 30% and a professional risk bonus of 50%, plus seniority and loyalty bonuses.

The government decided last week decided to lower monthly wages in government-run agencies to match the wages earned by state secretaries.

He said wages of presidents of public institutions cannot exceed the ones than of state secretaries.

The government also decided to limit the participation of dignitaries to a single board of administration with public institutions.

The move followed media reports on disproportionate wages paid to the heads of public institutions compared to average salaries earned by Romanian citizens.

A secretary of state receives a monthly gross salary of RON6,691 as of October 1, based on an emergency ordinance approved by the Government.