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EC Pursues Second Stage Of Infringement Against Romania Over Energy Sector

The European Commission decided to pursue the second stage of the infringement procedure against Romania over the energy sector, as the Parliament in Bucharest did not adopt an emergency ordinance whose stipulations included several European directives.
EC Pursues Second Stage Of Infringement Against Romania Over Energy Sector
02 nov. 2008, 15:56, English

"The Economy and Finance Ministry submitted to the Parliament in February 2008 the request to have the stipulations which were not included of directives 2005/89 and 2003/54 in the draft laws approving Government Emergency Ordinance 33/2007 amending and improving Law 13/2007 on electric energy and of Law 351/2004 on gas. Until now, this draft law has not been adopted by the Parliament of Romania,” according to an emergency ordinance draft improving the law on energy, drawn up by the Economy Ministry.

The European Commission pursued the infringement procedure against Romania for not observing the deadline for the inclusion in the country’s legislation of the stipulations of directive 2005/89 on the measures guaranteeing the safety of electricity supply and the investments in infrastructure. The deadline was February 24.

Romania had the obligation to submit reports periodically to the European Commission on the energy market.

"The infringement procedure reached the second stage, that of the motivated notice, and the next stage would take Romania to the European Court of Justice,” the draft act said.

Including the respective directives in the national legislation has no impact on the functioning of the local energy markets or on the activities of the companies active in this sector, the ministry said.

Since Romania became a member of the European Union, the European Commission has initiated several infringement procedures against the country.