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Romanian Children Poisoned With Non-Freezing Lubricant In Stable Condition

The five children in Barla, in southern Romanian Arges county, who were taken Monday evening to Bucharest’s emergency hospital "Grigore Alexandrescu" with non-freezing lubricant poisoning are in stable condition and will remain in the hospital for the next 72 hours to receive medical care.
Romanian Children Poisoned With Non-Freezing Lubricant In Stable Condition
11 nov. 2008, 11:37, English


The children, aged seven to nine, got poisoned with non-freezing lubricant while drinking water from the school’s sinks. 
Hospital manager Coriolan Ulmeanu said the medical and lab tests revealed that the children were slightly poisoned, adding they received ethanol-based treatment and their condition is stable.
The representatives of the local school inspectorate said that preliminary investigations at the secondary school in Barla indicate negligence in office while mounting the thermal heating station in the school.
According to Luminita Paul, head of the Arges ambulance service, the employees of a company incorrectly mounted a faucet, allowing the non-freezing lubricant in the thermal heating station to reach the school’s water piping system.