Unleaded Premium 95 gasoline will cost RON3.04 per liter while the price of one liter of unleaded Top Premium 99+ gasoline will be RON3.37 per liter.
One liter of OMV Carrera 95 and of OMV Carrea 100 will cost RON3.14 and RON3.77, respectively.
One liter of Top Euro Diesel 4 will cost RON3.55, while one liter of Euro Diesel 4 will cost RON3.47. OMV Premium Diesel will cost RON3.88 and OMV Sprint Diesel will cost RON3.6, the company said.
According to Petrom’s pricing strategy, pump prices may vary by +/- 5% compared with reference prices.
Petrom, majority owned by Austria’s group OMV, owns the largest gas station network on the Romanian market, totaling approximately 450 units.