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Romanian Prosecutor Arrested In Graft File In SW Romania

Romanian prosecutor Viorel Vasile, head of the criminal investigations department with the Caras Severin Court, southwestern Romania, was placed under arrest Tuesday by the Timisoara Court of Appeals magistrates on charges of bribery.
25 nov. 2008, 13:41, English

Vasile allegedly accepted bribe from two people, and one of them turned him in to the anticorruption prosecutors, the National Anticorruption Department said.

The prosecutor allegedly claimed 1,200 lei (EUR1=RON3.7985) from a person to solve a traffic infringement file in favor of the denouncer, the quoted source said.

Vasile was apprehended Monday in his office as he was accepting RON800 from his denouncer. On the same day, the prosecutor had received goods from another person investigated for infringements against traffic regulations.

The Timisoara Court of Appeals on Tuesday decided to arrest Vasile for a period of 29 days.

Vasile was suspended from his position of prosecutor, the press office of the High Council of the Magistrates told MEDIAFAX.

Recently, the Justice Ministry paid sums it owed to magistrates, including to Viorel Vasile, people close to the matter said. 

According to his wealth statement, Vasile’s monthly salary amounts to RON7,000.