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Bucharest Electoral Office Concludes Senate Votes Count

The final results in the elections for the Senate, announced Monday at 1600 GMT by the Bucharest Electoral Office, revealed that Ecaterina Andronescu (PSD+PC) obtained 48.82% of votes, Cristian Radulescu (PDL) 48.32%, and Dan Voiculescu 44.88%.
Bucharest Electoral Office Concludes Senate Votes Count
01 dec. 2008, 18:41, English

The final results obtained in Bucharest for the Senate are as follows:
College 1: Cornelia Cazacu (PDL) is ranked first with 39.21%, followed by Sergiu Nicolaescu (PSD+PC) – 30.84% and Arin Avramescu (PNL) – 21.18%.
College 2: Ionel Popescu (PDL) – 34.82%, Crin Antonescu (PNL) – 29.80%, Razvan Teodorescu (PSD+PC) – 27.54%.
College 3: Cristian Diaconescu (PSD+PC) – 41.82%, Tudor Serban (PDL) – 34.57%, Dida Dragan (PNL) – 11.07%.
College 4: Anca Boagiu (PDL) – 39.39%, Serban Nicolae (PSD+PC) – 30.50%, Vlad Ion Naicu (PNL) – 13.70%.
College 5: Vasile Blaga (PDL) cu 49.54%, Constantin Trastaru (PSD+PC) – 28.48% and Danut Fleaca (PNL) – 12.95%.
College 6: Cristian Radulescu (PDL) cu 48.32%, followed by Ion Nicolae Marasescu (PSD+PC) – 31.16% and Caius Irinel Iliescu (PNL) – 11.20%.
College 7: Ioan Talpes (PDL) – 34.33%, Mihai Adrian Campurean (PSD+PC) – 33.89%, Cristian Topescu (PNL) – 23.19%.
College 8: Dan Voiculescu (PSD+PC) – 44.88%, Razvan Ionescu (PDL) – 35.84%, Paul Daniel Mircescu (PNL) – 10.74%.
College 9: Catalin Voicu (PSD+PC) – 45.25%, Viorel Aurelian Moldoveanu (PDL) – 27.48%, Mihai Bogdan Becheanu (PNG-CD) – 12.44%, Horia Valentin Radocea (PNL) – 10.28%.
College 10: Ecaterina Andronescu (PSD+PC) – 48.82%, Gheorghe Udriste (PDL) – 24.10%, Cristian Sorin Banu (PNL) – 17.59%.
College 11: Radu Alexandru Feldman – (PDL) 41.47%, Costel Nedelcu (PSD+PC) – 30.89%, Serban Rares Manescu (PNL) – 19.39%.
College 12: Gabriel Mutu (PDL) – 40.52%, Ionel Olteanu (PSD+PC) – 29.26%, Mihai Toti (PNL) – 14.04%, Corneliu Vadim Tudor (PRM) – 10.32%.