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Bucharest City Electoral Office Concludes The Counting Of Votes

The Bucharest City Electoral Office concluded the centralization of votes in the 1,181 polling stations in Bucharest, with the results revealing that the democrat liberals obtained most votes among Bucharest citizens.
Bucharest City Electoral Office Concludes The Counting Of Votes
01 dec. 2008, 19:23, English

According to the results of votes validly expressed for the Senate, the democrat liberals obtained 38.37%, the alliance formed of the social democrats and the conservatives obtained 34.82%, the liberals 15.52%, the New Generation Party 4.94 %, the Greater Romania Party 4.81%, the Green Party 0.86%, the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania 0.44% and the People’s Party 0.16%.

According to results validly expressed for the Chamber of Deputies PDL obtained 37.55%, PSD-PC 33.42%, PNL15.84%, PNG 4.93%, PRM 4.12%, the Green Party 0.75%, independent candidate Lavinia Sandru 0.42%, the Democratic Union of Magyars in Romania 0.36%, the Union of Armenians in Romania 0.36%, the Federation of the Jewish Community in Romania 0.36%, the Rroma Party “Pro Europa” 0.29%, the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania 0.21%, the People and Social Protection Party 0.13%, the Greek Union in Romania 0.10%, the Association of Macedonians in Romania 0.09%, the Association of Italians in Romania Ro.AS.IT 0.09%, the Union of Serbs in Romania 0.08%, the Association of Albanians in Romania 0.08%, the Union of Croations in Romania 0.07%, the Bulgarian Union in Banat Romania 0.07%, the Community of Lipovan Russians in Romania 0.05%, the Democratic Union of Muslim Turks in Romania 0.05%, the Union of Polish People in Romania 0.04%, the Turkish Democratic Union in Romania 0.04%, the Union of Ukrainians in Romania 0.03%, the Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania 0.03%, the Cultural Union of Rutens in Romania 0.03%, the European Romania Party 0.01%.
Independent candidate Marian Sorin Paveliu obtained 0.12% of votes, Cristina Filip obtained 0.07%, independent candidate Gheorghe Radulescu obtained 0.04%.