Prima pagină » English » Romania 3Q Investments Up 23.6% Y-Y To RON24.95B

Romania 3Q Investments Up 23.6% Y-Y To RON24.95B

Investments in Romania increased 23.6% on year in the third quarter of 2008, to 24.95 billion lei (EUR1=RON3.7617), according to the data released Wednesday by the National Statistical Institute, or INS.
Romania 3Q Investments Up 23.6% Y-Y To RON24.95B
03 dec. 2008, 10:17, English

Divided by category, other expenses rose 36.7%, investments in new constructions rose 27.9%, and investments in equipment, including transport means hiked 15.1%.

In the first nine months of 2008, investments totaled RON57.41 billion, up 28.2% on the year.

Investments in new constructions rose 31.1%, while investments in equipment, including transport means increased by 22.9% in the first nine months of 2008.

The INS said investments were mainly pumped into the retail and wholesale sector, automotive repairs, real estate, services, industry and constructions.