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Romanian Social Democrats To Form Opposition If Next PM Belongs To Other Party – Former PM

If the prime minister of Romania’s next government is not appointed from within the Social Democratic Party, it is better for the party to enter the opposition, in order to ensure balance on the political scene, said head of the party’s National Counsil, Adrian Nastase.
Romanian Social Democrats To Form Opposition If Next PM Belongs To Other Party - Former PM
07 dec. 2008, 19:15, English

“I think that if we do not manage to balance the political scene, and if we don’t succeed in having the Prime Minister appointed from our party, on a program that we support in the next ruling, the best solution is to enter the opposition,” Nastase said.

“(…) We already have a president that comes from the democratic liberal zone. I don’t think it is a good thing to have all the power concentrated in one area and it would be important, as far as democracy is concerned, to have equilibrium of power to guarantee democracy to the civil society, to Romania’s citizens, against some temptations of abuse, of authoritarianism,” Nastase explained.

When asked if he wants the Social Democratic Party to form an alliance with the National Liberal Party, Nastatse said “things would be easier in the case of an agreement” with the liberals.