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New Romanian Govt Pledges To Protect National Cultural Patrimony

The next Romanian government aims to halt the degradation of the national cultural patrimony, as well as to restore, protect and promote this patrimony through the development of integrated projects and of cultural cooperation networks.
New Romanian Govt Pledges To Protect National Cultural Patrimony
16 dec. 2008, 15:19, English

The working government agenda for 2009 – 2012 states, in the "Culture and Cults" chapter, a series of objectives that also include the support of cultural and artistic diversity, the upgrade, renewal and adequate outfitting of cultural infrastructure, in accordance with international cultural realities. In addition, the government targets the "continuous professional upgrade" of staff in culture institutions.
As for the promotion of Romanian cultural values, this needs to be performed at an international cultural circuit level, and the promotion of national patrimony, within national and international cultural tourism. As a final objective, the government agenda mentions the development of the partnership between the state and cults on the social, cultural and educational segment and "the support of the respect and cooperation network between cults for the benefit of the entire society."
In this respect the government envisages several directions for action. Thus, to halt the degradation of the national patrimony the aim is to develop and apply a national strategy for the restoration and protection of the cultural patrimony. Another goal is the creation of new museums and showcase areas, in partnership with local public administrations, the promotion of an active role played by libraries in society, as well as the construction and adequate outfitting of libraries.
At the same time, the government intends to provide the financial support for a more visible presence of cultural representatives in the most important cultural events in the country and abroad.
As for the cultural institutions in the rural and disfavored areas, the government agenda mentions that their activities will be encouraged through the construction of cultural dens, village and town libraries, in partnership with the Ministry of Education. Another intention is the construction of creation workshops in accordance with the demands of the plastic artists community, as well as the support of the partnership between the state and creation unions.
On the other hand, the new government also intends to upgrade and renovate theaters and philharmonics, construct new show halls in partnership with local public authorities and create multipurpose institutions (plays, ballet, visual arts, etc.).
Other directions included in the agenda concern the development of legislative initiatives for the salaries of staff in cultural institutions, the regulation of the artist’s statute in Romania and the inclusion of the material and immaterial cultural patrimony in national and international cultural tourism.
The new government also intends to support the presence and role of the church in society, starting from the acknowledgement of the church’s contribution to society’s common wellbeing, and support the development of religious communities, including among Romanians abroad.
At the same time, the agenda mentions the promotion of an active partnership between the state and cults, through the creation of social assistance centers, thus encouraging the social mission of the church and other cults.