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Romanian Liberal Says Current Govt Was Agreed In August Betw President, Social Democrats

Romanian liberal vice-president Puiu Hasotti told a news conference Sunday that he has known for over a year that democrat liberals (PDL) and social democrats (PSD) were in talks, adding several social democrat leaders often went to see the president at Cotroceni.
Romanian Liberal Says Current Govt Was Agreed In August Betw President, Social Democrats
11 ian. 2009, 17:43, English

The liberal leader added the current coalition government, formed after general elections held on November 30, had been agreed upon in August by President Traian Basescu and social democrat leader Mircea Geoana.
"I’ve known PDL and PSD were negotiating for over a year. There was a part of PSD that often went to Cotroceni (the presidential palace –e.n.), with the blessing of Mircea Geoana. And I have a lot of collateral information that indicate the agreement between Traian Basescu and Mircea Geoana on the governing coalition occurred in August,” Hasotti said.
He added the two political parties would have had trouble getting so many votes had they made their collaboration intentions public during the election campaign.
He also said the government has no clear identity as it is neither left or right-oriented.
Hasotti said the Social Democratic Party is "numb, devoid of personality" and added he is curious of the social democrats’ reactions to propositions to revise the Constitution, which have been drawn up by a presidential commission.
"I’m curious how PSD will react. From the information I have, these proposals will either include allowing the president to dissolve the Parliament or dismiss the Government,” Hasotti said, adding that if Romania adopts such a Constitution, its constitutional regime will be similar to that in Russia and Belarus.
Puiu Hasotti said Romania is currently heading for a “democratic totalitarian” regime, as Basescu is "president, prime minister, head of intelligence services and head of Justice ".