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Non-Declaration Of Goods Worth Over RON20,000 In Customs To Be Considered Felony

Non-declaration at customs points of goods worth at least 20,000 lei (EUR1=RON4.2127) will be considered a felony and is punishable by two to seven years imprisonment, according to a draft emergency decree drawn up by the Romanian National Customs Authority.
Non-Declaration Of Goods Worth Over RON20,000 In Customs To Be Considered Felony
12 ian. 2009, 12:48, English

The introduction or removal from the country of undeclared taxable goods worth at least RON20,000 will be considered contraband and the action is punishable by two to seven years imprisonment, the draft decree states.

Repeated evasion from customs check-up procedures will be similarly punishable, even for goods worth less than RON20,000.

The respective goods will be confiscated.

The customs authority said it has seen an increasing number of cases when goods, especially excisable one, aren’t declared and considers applicable fines are no longer enough.