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Romanian President Delivers Lofty Speech, Calls For Country’s Modernization

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday in eastern city of Focsani, during the ceremony celebrating 150 since the Union of Romanian Principalities, that Romania will not be affected by the economic crisis the way other countries are affected, adding this is a solid reason for the country to start its modernization process now.
Romanian President Delivers Lofty Speech, Calls For Country’s Modernization
24 ian. 2009, 18:56, English

Basescu said Romania needs a strong modernization process, a solid legal system, as well as modern education and healthcare systems, arguing politicians ought to render the country’s laws more powerful and efficient. 
"Romania needs a solid modernization process, which falls into politicians’ responsibility. Our predecessors 150 years ago placed the national interest above political interests. Romania’s political elite ought to place the national interest above its interests, namely, to modernize the country," added Basescu.
Basescu also said Saturday, during his speech in northeastern city of Iasi, that Romania needs politicians who are willing to make sacrifices for Romanians, adding politicians must understand that nobody is above the law.
Moreover, the head of state highlighted Romania came into being and started to thrive soon after January 24, 1859, when Wallachia and Moldavia united, adding this process can never be hindered.