The area, comprising 15 plots of land, is located in Snagov and Moara Vlasiei in Ilfov County. Work was halted last year because the highway needed to pass through a forest which could not be cleared, as it was included in the Natura 2000 program.
Italian firm Pizzarotti/Tirena Scavi is working on the 19.5 km long Bucharest-Moara Vlasiei segment, with a contract worth RON152.8 million (EUR1=RON4.2908).
Romanian Corporation UMB Spedition/Pa & Co International/Euroconstruct Trading ‘98/Com-Axa is working on the 42.5 km long Moara Vlasiei-Ploiesti segment, with a contract worh EUR100 million.
Natura 2000 is a program aiming to conserve certain plant and animal species in their natural habitat. Once a site is becomes part of Natura 2000, it is subject to restrictive measures which aim to keep the protected species as unaffected as possible.