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Bucharest Appeals Court Ruled Interior Ministry Scandal Protagonists To Be Tried At Large

The Bucharest Court of Appeals decided Wednesday night that former Interior Ministry secret service head Cornel Serban, head of operations with the ministry’s General Anticorruption Department Petre Pitcovici and businessman Gabriel Puiu Popoviciu will be tried at large but can’t leave the country.
Bucharest Appeals Court Ruled Interior Ministry Scandal Protagonists To Be Tried At Large
26 mart. 2009, 09:44, English

Anticorruption prosecutors said they appealed the court’s decision to release the three and the appeal will be tried by the Supreme Court.

Upon exiting the courtroom, businessman Popoviciu said he considers anticorruption prosecutors’ actions abusive and denied any wrongdoing.

Anticorruption prosecutors detained the three Tuesday night alongside Ioan Alecu, the former reactor of the Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine University in Bucharest. Prosecutors requested 29-day arrest warrants for Serban, Pitcovici and Popoviciu. Alecu was let off because he collaborated with investigators, people close to the investigation told MEDIAFAX.

The National Anticorruption Department, or DNA, said in a press rerelease Wednesday that Alecu is accused of abuse of office and Popoviciu is accused of accessory to abuse of office with severe consequences on public interest.

Former secret service head Cornel Serban was charged with aiding a felon and leaking classified information. Pitcovici, head of operations with the Interior Ministry’s general Anticorruption Department, or DGA, is also charged with aiding a felon.