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Romania Could Further Presence In Afghanistan

Romanian president Traian Basescu said Saturday at the end of the NATO Summit that Romania does not rule out continuing its presence in Afghanistan, with increased amounts of units for the training of the Afghan army, police units and medical units.
Romania Could Further Presence In Afghanistan
04 apr. 2009, 19:50, English

Basescu said one of the Summit’s conclusions was that mere military presence in Afghanistan does not suffice and the allies vow to contribute to the country’s institutional reconstruction. In addition, Basescu said military involvement was discussed, adding “more troops are necessary”.
The president pointed out that Romania has fulfilled its obligations regarding military presence in Afghanistan, adding that during the NATO Summit held in Bucharest, in 2008, Romania had 500 soldiers in Afghanistan, while now it has 1,000 soldiers in the front line.
"From this perspective, Romania has fulfilled its obligations, which does not mean we will rule out further presence in Afghanistan, with units to train the Afghan military, police units and medical units, which would help institutional reconstruction ," Basescu said.