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Hundreds Of Students Vote In Bucharest For Moldovan Parliament Elections

Hundreds of Moldovan students left Saturday night for Bucharest in order to vote in the Moldovan Republic Parliament elections held Sunday.
Hundreds Of Students Vote In Bucharest For Moldovan Parliament Elections
05 apr. 2009, 15:21, English

According to the leader of the Association of Young Moldovans (ATB) in northeastern Romanian city Iasi, Dan Caranfil, 500 moldovan students decided to go to Bucharest and not cross the border into Moldova to vote, since they feared they could be stopped at the border by Moldovan customs police.
The Moldovan students boarded ten buses made available buy the Iasi county council, and the convoy left for Bucharest Saturday night at 22.30 local time.
Some 270 Moldovan students studying at the "Dunarea de Jos" University in Galati left Sunday morning towards Bucharest, onboard trains, using their own cars or on buses made available by Galati City Hall.
In addition, several tens of students decided to cross the border into Moldova and vote there.
Sunday there are Parliament elections in the Republic of Moldova.