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One Of Four Romanians Injured In Afghanistan Released Form Hospital

Romanian corporal Eugen Vargau, injured Tuesday in Afghanistan in an incident that claimed the life of on officer and left four injured, was released from hospital Wednesday and is in good condition, the Romanian Defense Ministry said in a statement.
One Of Four Romanians Injured In Afghanistan Released Form Hospital
08 apr. 2009, 16:00, English

The ministry added the other three Romanians injured are stable.

"Sergeant Orban Csaba Attila and corporals Cretu Adrian Gabriel and Lungu Madalin are committed to the hospital in Kandahar and are hemodynamically stable," the ministry said.

Romanian sergeant Attila Csaba Orban and corporals Adrian Gabriel Cretu, Madalin Lungu and Eugen Vargau were injured Tuesday morning in Afghanistan when their patrol car ran over an improvised explosive device. Captain Iuliu-Vasile Unguras, 32, who was leading the patrol mission formed of four Humvees on the A1 highway linking Kandahar to Kabul, was killed in the blast.

Captain Unguras, the third Romanian to be killed in Afghanistan this year, was married and had two children.