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Draft Ordinance Sets Salaries In Romanian Justice

A draft emergency ordinance establishes the salaries and other salary rights of staff in Romanian justice, and the monthly salary of drivers is higher than that of an entry level clerk with higher education.
Draft Ordinance Sets Salaries In Romanian Justice
10 apr. 2009, 16:16, English

The draft law aims to regulate salaries and other salary rights for justice staff and regulate the salary differences between judges, prosecutors, specialized auxiliary staff, with the same activity, seniority and position, as well as rank, within their institution of employment.

The annex to the draft emergency ordinance establishes the gross monthly indemnities.

The clerks and archivists of the Bucharest Court of Appeals stopped working and staged a protest in front of the building Wednesday, protesting against non-payment of their salaries.

Protests continued Friday in the entire country for the third day in a row.

Romanian Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu urged the protesters to resume work, promising them that he will take their problems to the government and that no decision will be made without consulting the unions first.