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Romanian Railway Cos May Be Exempted From Paying Fuel Excise

Romania’s railway companies may be exempted from the payment of fuel excise, in view of ensuring a balance on the transport market, through re-launching the railway transport, according to the European Union requirements, Ministry of Transport proposed in a draft law.
Romanian Railway Cos May Be Exempted From Paying Fuel Excise
13 apr. 2009, 18:48, English

"The exemption from the payment of fuel excise may lead to re-lunching the railway transport through cutting the transport tariffs for the passengers and freight railway transport", the draft said.
The amount spent to ensure the necessary fuel  for train haulage represents over 13% of all the exploitation expenses, this cost mirroring in the transport tariffs.
The road transport gained significant ground in the past years, to the detriment of the railway transport, even if the latter is considered safer, quicker and more evironmentally friendly, according to the ministry’s representatives.
Among the European Union’s long-term objectives are a higher volume of freight railway transports, a gradual liberalization of the railway transport, the setting up in the upcoming years of a sole market of European railway transport and a more steady development of the transport sector, which would reduce the negative effects upon the environment, the traffic jams and the accidents.