The Council’s press office stated the inquiry aims to clarify the modality in which the file requesting temporary release for Becali pending trial on kidnapping charges was distributed to the Bucharest Courthouse.
Earlier Thursday, Romanian prosecutor general Laura Codruţa Kovesi said that only the designated prosecutor in the case can notify the High Council of Magistrates if there are any suspicions regarding Becali’s release.
“The notice should come from the prosecutor or prosecutors in charge with the case, if there are indications regarding the infringement of the Deontological Code and of the legislation concerning judicial organization. I cannot be the one to make such notification, as I cannot replace the designated prosecutor,” Kovesi told a press conference.
Kovesi is rightful member of the High Council of Magistrates.
On April 3, Romanian prosecutors arrested Gigi Becali, financer of Steaua Bucharest football club and businessman, accusing him and his bodyguards of kidnapping three alleged car thieves.
The non-government organization “Civic Force” notified the magistrates of “irregularities” concerning Becali’s arrest.
On April 17, Becali was released under judicial control pending trial.
However, the media expressed suspicion concerning the panel of judges that released Becali, particularly following rumors about his release a day prior to the actual ruling.