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Over 200 Bikers Attended Rally In Bucharest For Safer Traffic

Over 200 motorcyclists attended a rally Saturday in the Constitution square in capital city Bucharest, part of the national campaign “There are motorcyclists in traffic” meant to raise drivers’ awareness.
Over 200 Bikers Attended Rally In Bucharest For Safer Traffic
25 apr. 2009, 15:06, English

The demonstration in Bucharest was organized by the Association of Motorcyclists in Romania in continuation of last year’s awareness campaign prompted by an increasing number of traffic accidents involving motorbikes.
Bikers present in Bucharest Saturday signed a petition, to be submitted to the government, requiring the introduction of civil liability insurance (RCA) policies valid for a month for occasional bike riders.
The bikers’ association organized similar rallies in the main cities of the country.
Two weeks ago, nearly 1,000 bikers crossed Bucharest in a march for safer traffic and more tolerant drivers. In the first quarter of the year, 80 accidents involving motorcycles occurred in Bucharest, 50 less than in the same period of last year.

Bikers also organized actions in Sibiu, Bistrita
About 150 bikers rode their motorcycles through the central Romanian city of Sibiu and a similar demonstration gathered over 70 bikers in the northern city of Bistrita.
Since the beginning of the year, Sibiu has seen three serious accidents involving motorcycles in which claimed the life of one person and left three others seriously injured.
In Bistrita, bikers crossed the city wearing black ribbons around their arms in sign of mourning for a 25 year-old woman who died recently, when a reckless driver hit her motorbike.