Thus, the Bucharest Court upheld the ruling of the Bucharest District 1 Court on April 24 to probe the aforementioned at large, rejecting prosecutors’ appeal in this respect.
The District 1 Court grounded its ruling on the fact that the five bodyguards did not influence the course of the investigation in any way and stressed they pose no danger for public order whatsoever.
Becali’s bodyguards must remain in custody until the initial arrest warrant expires. Thus, thee of them detained and arrested on April 3, alongside Becali, namely Catalin Zmarandescu, Stefan Dediu and Nicolae Dumitrascu – could walk free on May 1. However, the other two bodyguards, Marcel Popa and Marian Milea, arrested on April 14 and April 17, respectively, will remain in custody until May 12 and May 15, respectively, after the court rejected their appeal to the lower court’s ruling to place them under arrest.
On April 3, Romanian prosecutors arrested Becali, financer of Steaua Bucharest football club and businessman, accusing him and his bodyguards of kidnapping three alleged car thieves.
The non-government organization “Civic Force” notified the magistrates of “irregularities” concerning Becali’s arrest.
On April 17, Becali was released on probation pending trial.