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Germany Eyes Investing In Romania Black Sea Shipping – Transp Min

Romania’s transport minister Radu Berceanu said Thursday that Germany eyes investing in containers or cargo shipping in the Black Sea area, via railway, river or road transport routes.
Germany Eyes Investing In Romania Black Sea Shipping - Transp Min
30 apr. 2009, 16:12, English

Several Transport Ministry officials will go to Germany within 15 days at the most to get more information on Germany’s funding system of investments, as well as its road toll system on national roads and highways, Berceanu said.

"At the meeting of transport ministers in the Czech Republic, I talked to German counterpart Wolfgang Tiefensee, who officially expressed his intention to encourage German companies and banks to invest in Romanian infrastructure," Berceanu said

Berceanu attended, during April 28-30, the informal reunion of EU transport ministers held in the Czech Republic.