The representatives of the two states also signed two agreement memorandums, between the Romanian and Spanish Labor Inspections, respectively between the employment agencies of the two countries.
Romanian labor minister Marian Sarbu said, after signing the bilateral agreement, that relations with Spain are "special", due to the large Romanian community living in Spain, which creates "a bridge between the two peoples."
The Spanish minister, Celestino Corbacho, explained the agreement is aimed at informing Romanian citizens in Spain regarding the situation of the labor market in Romania, as well as in Spain, so that those who lose their jobs because of the crisis will be more mobile and will have more chances to find a job.
The Spanish labor minister added there are 718,000 Romanians registered in Spain legally, and this is the largest non-Spanish community in the country.
Of all residents, 254,000 contribute to the social security system.
In addition, most Romanians in Spain are working in services (43%), agriculture (24%), constructions (23%) and industry (10%).
According to data from the Spanish authorities, 70,000 of legally registered Romanians are unemployed, and only 41,000 of them receive unemployment aid.
The Spanish minister added the document signed Monday in Bucharest will be able to guarantee economic mobility without harming the rights of citizens.