The same sources said the 54 security agents would be heard starting Wednesday, May 6, in connection with the scandal at Plaza Romania on February 21 between police office Eugen Preda and some of his cronies and several BGS agents.
The alleged culprits will also face charges for crimes stipulated in Law 333/2003, article 59, which says that "the involvement, at the request of the heads of security companies, of public security agents, specialized security guards, specialized security companies and their own staff, in violent actions, foreclosures, debt recovery actions and labor conflicts, or breach of provisions of article 21, will be punished by one up to five years in prison, unless the respective crimes are even more serious.
The Bucharest Police spokesperson Christian Ciocan confirmed Wednesday that prosecutors investigating the case will hear all people involved in the incident.
Early April, Romania’s Interior Ministry said Bucharest Police deputy commissioner Adam Catalin, coordinator of the intervention at the mall, police quaestor Guran Lucian and chief commissioner Stoian Constantin were also investigated for negligence while on duty.
Following inquires, the ministry concluded the mentioned officers failed to take concrete measures to prevent the conflict and handled available information regarding the incident superficially.