Notifications were also sent to the Competition Council and the Financial Guard.
Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari is the largest insurer in Romania with a market share of 16% at the end of 2008.
"We have triggered legal proceedings to check the insurance company’s activity to end all practices found to break the law, competition rules or that are abusive,” Ovidiu Tibuleac, coordinator of the insurance department of law firm Bostina si Asociatii, said in a press release Monday.
Contacted by MEDIAFAX, the public relations manager of insurer Allianz-Tiriac Asigurari, Marius Onofrei, rejected all accusations and said all the company’s operations observe the law.
ASSAI, which represents the interests of over 500 independent auto service providers in Romania, said the insurer has operations outside its object of activity and breaches competition rules.