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Romanian Central Bank To Amend Electronic Payment Rules To Include Consumer Protection

Romania’s central bank will complete by end June a draft to reedit its rules for electronic payment to include provisions regarding consumer protection, Ruxandra Avram, head of the central bank’s department for financial stability, said Tuesday.
Romanian Central Bank To Amend Electronic Payment Rules To Include Consumer Protection
26 mai 2009, 13:26, English

Avram said the central bank agreed to postpone the reediting of its Regulation 6/2006 on electronic payment to include stipulations from Government Emergency Ordinance 174/2008 regarding consumer protection.

She added the central bank’s regulation will only include part of the provisions in the ordinance, which regards security in the use of electronic payment instruments.

"We will consult with ANPC (the consumer protection authority – e.n.) and we’ll try to divide attributions. The thing is ANPC deals with individuals only, so the central bank will probably deal with legal entities,” Avram said.