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Romanian Liberals Threaten No-Confidence Motion Over Codes’ Adoption

Romanian Liberal Party, in opposition, on Wednesday criticized the government’s decision to assume responsibility for the criminal and civil codes in parliament and threatened with a no-confidence motion.
Romanian Liberals Threaten No-Confidence Motion Over Codes’ Adoption
10 iun. 2009, 20:41, English


“Assuming the codes in the absence of a parliamentary debate and a serious public debate is spiteful toward the society and each Romanian citizen in part. You cannot replace a civil code which lasted for over 150 years overnight, to wipe out with a sponge and replace a standing act with something botched under order from certain groups of interest. We ask the government to reconsider assuming responsibility and to have the related texts subjected to serious public debates, attended by representatives of all organizations in the civil society,” said Ludovic Orban, prime deputy president of the National Liberal Party, or PNL.
Orban said the liberals are prepared to file a no-confidence motion unless the executive reconsiders its decision.
He said the four codes have a strong impact on the lives of millions and they cannot be the result of an arrangement made by the ruling coalition. 
Asked whether a new debate would not delay the codes’ adoption too long, Orban said that “it is more important for Romania to have some codes that will represent the will for normality of the citizens than some codes pulled out from the prestidigitator hut of Basescu and Geoana (Romanian President Traian Basescu and social democrat leader Mircea Geoana – e.n.),”
The Romanian government on Wednesday decided to initiate procedures to assume responsibility for the four codes in parliament.