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Romanian Govt Eyes Cancelling Controversial Police Car Purchase Contracts

The Romanian Government decided to take legal action in a bid to cancel the contracts concluded, last year, between the Romanian Police and the company Ager Leasing, for the purchase of police cruisers, Government sources told MEDIAFAX.
Romanian Govt Eyes Cancelling Controversial Police Car Purchase Contracts
24 iun. 2009, 20:53, English

"The situation involving these contracts was presented in the Government meeting held Wednesday and the Government decided to take legal action to cancel these contracts," the quoted sources said.

The Romanian Police attributed to Ager Leasing, in 2008, 27 contracts worth an approximate total of RON423.52 million, for the purchase of police vehicles.

For the 27 contracts, the police only received on bid, from Ager Leasing.

According to the police chiefs, the cars, which were “prototypes”, had “latest generation” equipment, whose price was higher than EUR50,000. Thus, one Dacia Logan would end up costing EUR78,000, while a BMW would cost some EUR112,000.

The leasing contract value is added with the insurance costs for the cars, throughout the contract period, namely three years, periodic technical revisions, interest, homologation expenses, registration and periodic metrological tests.

These costs were, however, justified by police specialists through the fact that the professional equipment necessary for police work is very expensive.

The Romanian police informed MEDIAFAX Wednesday that solutions were found to reduce expenses in the contracts for the purchase of some 2,000 vehicles, while the deadline for delivery will be established bilaterally, as the institution is not summoned to honor these contracts.

According to the Police, the contracts were concluded following a public procurement procedure, through open auction, in accordance with the law.

"After the conclusion of the contracts, in the context of the current economic and financial crisis and given the budget resources allotted to our institution, the Romanian Police performed an analysis on the opportunities and needs for the unfolding of all public procurement contracts," the Police said.

The quoted source said these analyses were the base on which negotiations were unfolded with contract partners, and there were legal possibilities identified to reduce expenses, through abandoning the purchase of several vehicles or the replacement of certain pieces of equipment with cheaper ones, within the conditions established in the task book, with the purpose of applying rational management to the financial resources and to efficiently spend public funds, with respect for the main objectives and stringent needs of the Romanian Police.