Prima pagină » English » EC Calls On Romania to Disacrd Household Energy Regulated Prices – Energy Watchdog Official

EC Calls On Romania to Disacrd Household Energy Regulated Prices – Energy Watchdog Official

The European Commission asks Romania to give up the household regulated electricity tariffs, in a notification on the startup of an infringement procedure, Thursday said Maria Manicuta, a manager in the country’s energy regulation authority ANRE.
EC Calls On Romania to Disacrd Household Energy Regulated Prices - Energy Watchdog Official
25 iun. 2009, 12:48, English

"The Commission asks the same thing from all the EU states. Except the UK, all the European Union member states have regulated tariffs," Manicuta said, adding the Romanian authorities were expecting such a notification, as it targets all EU countries.

Discarding regulated energy tariffs is not possible for the time being, as they are intended to protect the final consumer. Thus, Romania will set a calendar to gradually discard regulted prices.

Tudor Serban, state secretary within the Economy Ministry, said on Thursday that Romania will reply to the European Commission.