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Prosecutors To Investigate Constanta Mayor For Displaying Nazi Symbols

Romanian social democrat Radu Mazare will be investigated by prosecutors in Constanta, southeastern Romania, for displaying Nazi symbols in a fashion show in Black Sea resort Mamaia.
Prosecutors To Investigate Constanta Mayor For Displaying Nazi Symbols
27 iul. 2009, 18:13, English

Mazare wore a Wehrmacht-general uniform in a fashion show on July 18.

After the event, he explained that his gesture was inspired by the movie “Valkyrie”, which shows “a German officer trying to free the country from a mad dictator”.

The Centre Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism accused Mazare of breaking the law which bans fascistic, racist of xenophobic organizations and symbols, and urged prosecutor general Laura Codruta Kovesi to investigate him.

Mazare sent a letter to Jewish organizations, in which he apologizes and explains his gesture.