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Romania Roads Auth Gets 7 Bids To Expand Highway Segment

Romania’s public roads authority CNADNR on Friday announced it has received seven bids for an estimated contract of 196.85 million (EUR1-RON4.2127) to expand to three lanes the highway segment Moara Vlasiei-Ploiesti.
Romania Roads Auth Gets 7 Bids To Expand Highway Segment
31 iul. 2009, 14:42, English

The bidders are Euroconstruct Trading 98/PA&CO International/Via Design (Romania), MonteAdriano Engenharia E Construcao (Portugal), Lena Engenharia E Construcoes (Portugal), Marcor Ebro/Proyectos Tecnicos Y Obras Civiles/Copisa Constructora Pirenaica (Spain), Spedition UMB, Colas Romania and Sociedate de Construcoes Soares da Costa (Portugal).
The road segment is located on the Bucharest-Ploiesti highway, between kilometers 19+500 and 45+000.
CNADNR already assigned a EUR249.74 million contract to consortium Spedition UMB/Pa&Co Internaţional/Euroconstruct ’98/Com-Axa, which builds a two-lane segment on the mentioned distance.