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Romania’s Draft Code Of Education Up For Public Debate For 3 Weeks

Romania’s draft Code of Education was launched for public debate Friday, on the Education Ministry’s website and it will be analyzed by social partners and the representatives of parents, pupils and students, over the next three weeks.
Romania's Draft Code Of Education Up For Public Debate For 3 Weeks
14 aug. 2009, 16:53, English

Education minister Ecaterina Andronescu on Thursday said the country’s future Code of Education was drafted together with experts, unionists and representatives of parents and students, adding it engulfs the law pack on education, ensures reforming measures and provides stability.

Andronescu also said that, once up for public debate, the Code can be amended in order to become an effective law, adding the Code includes the law on decentralized services in education and reforms targeting the school curriculum and evaluations of teachers and students. 

The Code also stipulates 13 years of compulsory education, compared with ten years of compulsory education, as previously stipulated in the report drafted by former education minister Mircea Miclea.

The new Code also stipulates that pupils are obliged to attend daytime classes only until the age of 16. However, after turning 16, pupils must continue the compulsory education by attending evening classes, reduced frequency and long- distance classes.

On August 10, Prime Minister Emil Boc said the government would take responsibility in Parliament, on September 2, for the unitary pay law in the budget sector, the law restructuring government agencies, and the laws on pension-wage cumulus and on education.