Of the 31 cases confirmed by the Cantacuziono National Institute, 17 were identified in Bucharest, other two in the counties Calarasi, Ilfov, Iasi and Prahova and one case in Brasov, Galati, Mures, Sibiu, Suceava and Timisoara.
According to the Health Ministry, cases were confirmed within a family that came from South Africa, some people returning from a trip to Greece and a person coming back from England, that have generated secondary cases in their entourage.
Other two outbreaks with two confirmed cases each go back to a person coming from Spain, that caused a secondary case, and another who caused two other AH1N1 infections following interaction with someone who arrived from the USA.
The Health Ministry confirmed other 18 flu virus infections in people coming from Spain (twelve cases), England (four cases), Bulgaria (one case) and Greece (one case).
The 31 patients suffer from a light form of illness and their medical condition is good.
Until now, 253 cases of AH1N1 flu virus infections were confirmed on Romania’s territory.